Sweet Pea Seedlings - Farm Mix 6-Pack
Sweet peas are as sweet-smelling as you’d imagine! They always remind me of early summertime.
This blend was harvested last summer and you’ll get a magical collection of pinks, lilacs, creams and deep purple. Each order comes with 6 × 2” plants.
Sweet peas are as sweet-smelling as you’d imagine! They always remind me of early summertime.
This blend was harvested last summer and you’ll get a magical collection of pinks, lilacs, creams and deep purple. Each order comes with 6 × 2” plants.
Sweet peas are as sweet-smelling as you’d imagine! They always remind me of early summertime.
This blend was harvested last summer and you’ll get a magical collection of pinks, lilacs, creams and deep purple. Each order comes with 6 × 2” plants.
Growing Tips:
Annual. 6+ ft vine.. Full sun. Space vines 12” apart. Plant seedlings with a generous amount of compost, followed by deep mulch. Install trellis at or before planting for immediate support. Pinch (snip off the tops down to the first set of leaves) when plants have 3 sets of leaves to promote more blooms.
Landscape: These vines love to grow up trellising, looking lovely beside gates, and along fences.
Cut Flower Tips: 4-5 day vase life. The more you cut, the more they grow! Cut in the cool of the day and leave in cool water to hydrate. You can cut just the stems (12-14”) for a bouquet of the sweetest smelling flowers of the year, or cut the ends of the vines to a length that works for your bouquets or arrangements. They add a bouncy touch to any vase!