Nigella Mix 6-pack
Nigella is a beautiful addition to any cottage-garden.
They’re floaty and pretty and add incredible texture with their wispy tendrils. If you leave them in the garden they will re-seed prolifically. We grow them both for the flowers and the very cool, structural pods that form after the blooms fade away.
This mix contains ‘Love in a Mist’, ‘African Bride’, ‘Delft Blue’ & ‘Mrs. Jekyll’.
Six 2” Seedlings/order
Nigella is a beautiful addition to any cottage-garden.
They’re floaty and pretty and add incredible texture with their wispy tendrils. If you leave them in the garden they will re-seed prolifically. We grow them both for the flowers and the very cool, structural pods that form after the blooms fade away.
This mix contains ‘Love in a Mist’, ‘African Bride’, ‘Delft Blue’ & ‘Mrs. Jekyll’.
Six 2” Seedlings/order
Nigella is a beautiful addition to any cottage-garden.
They’re floaty and pretty and add incredible texture with their wispy tendrils. If you leave them in the garden they will re-seed prolifically. We grow them both for the flowers and the very cool, structural pods that form after the blooms fade away.
This mix contains ‘Love in a Mist’, ‘African Bride’, ‘Delft Blue’ & ‘Mrs. Jekyll’.
Six 2” Seedlings/order
Growing Tips: Plant in a sunny spot. Work lots of compost and organic fertilizer into the planting hole and water well before planting. Put root ball into the hole and bury it up to the first set of leaves. Water deeply once a week.
Landscape: In the landscape, they provide a bright green cloud of foliage that fills out nicely in the backs of borders. The flowers bounce in the wind and eventually turn into seed pods if left alone. They will re-seed if left standing.
Cutting Garden: Plant them closer together (6-8”) in rows to promote long stems as they stretch for the light. Use plant support netting. Harvest weekly to keep them producing. Water deeply the day before harvest.
Harvesting: There is a long harvest window for these flowers…any time from when the petals are not quite open to when it is a fully-developed seed-pod! Strip off excess foliage, cut the bottom of the stem on an angle. Let them rest for a few hours in cool water and shade before arranging.
Drying: Ensure you are harvesting pods before they set seed unless you want showers of seeds all over the table. Hang pods upside-down in a warm, dry, shaded spot to dry. Check the stems are totally dry before storing to prevent mold.