Small Bouquet
Our small bouquets contain the best of what's blooming that week! All bouquets are grower's choice, meaning we'll put something special together just for you with what's been harvested.
Your bouquet will contain 4-5 focal flowers, 6-8 filler flowers and foliage, all grown right here on our local urban farm. It will be wrapped in brown paper and waiting for pick up in a clean bucket of fresh water at a time that works for you!
Pick up is at the farm (1841 Haultain, Jubilee area). Wednesday-Sunday pick up only. Order a minimum of 48hrs ahead. If you need something last minute, please try the farmstand.
Our small bouquets contain the best of what's blooming that week! All bouquets are grower's choice, meaning we'll put something special together just for you with what's been harvested.
Your bouquet will contain 4-5 focal flowers, 6-8 filler flowers and foliage, all grown right here on our local urban farm. It will be wrapped in brown paper and waiting for pick up in a clean bucket of fresh water at a time that works for you!
Pick up is at the farm (1841 Haultain, Jubilee area). Wednesday-Sunday pick up only. Order a minimum of 48hrs ahead. If you need something last minute, please try the farmstand.
Our small bouquets contain the best of what's blooming that week! All bouquets are grower's choice, meaning we'll put something special together just for you with what's been harvested.
Your bouquet will contain 4-5 focal flowers, 6-8 filler flowers and foliage, all grown right here on our local urban farm. It will be wrapped in brown paper and waiting for pick up in a clean bucket of fresh water at a time that works for you!
Pick up is at the farm (1841 Haultain, Jubilee area). Wednesday-Sunday pick up only. Order a minimum of 48hrs ahead. If you need something last minute, please try the farmstand.