Welcome to the Farm

Our family farm is nestled right in the centre of Victoria, BC, Canada.

We grow, and teach you to grow, flowers for the everyday moments in life like dinner, and for the special occasions like Mother’s Day.

Our gardens are healthy, low/no-till, amended with organic materials and lots of love. Our flowers are tended carefully and are as freshly harvested as you can get. They get fresh air, sunshine and movement…just like we do we we tend them.

Our Canadian seeds, dahlia tubers and seedlings are produced right here on our farm here on Vancouver Island to be grown on in your home gardens. You can find growing information about all of our plants and seeds right here on our website.

We grow flowers for the bees, the kids and the neighbours, and we invite you to come and take a look in person!

The view is always open at 1841 Haultain Street.

Valentine’s day Gift ideas!

Perfect gifts for your sweetheart’s garden.

“To Plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.”

- Audrey Hepburn